The Daleks

Season 1

7 episodes (The Dead Planet, The Survivors, The Escape, The Ambush, The Expedition, The Ordeal, The Rescue)
Black and white
December 1963 to February 1964
Released on DVD as part of The Beginning box set.

After 4 weeks Doctor Who introduced its first, best and most definitive monster. The Daleks are a design classic and are likely to be recognised by all children whether they are dedicated fans or not. They’re clearly the villains in this story and their plan to release radioactive waste into the atmosphere is nasty, but it’s not their scariest moment by far. Barbara lets out a terrific scream when she first catches sight of one though and they do shoot Ian (he gets better) and a bunch of Thals (they don’t). The skeleton zap effect seen in the new series doesn’t exist yet so being shot by a Dalek turns you into a negative.

The early episodes deal with the Doctor and his companions suffering from radiation sickness which manifests as feeling poorly rather than anything more disturbing. Susan has to make a journey through a forest at night which is spooky although she’s clearly running on the spot whilst people hit her with twigs.
The second half of the story deals with a perilous quest through a monster filled swamp in which some Thals get eaten or drowned off screen which is frightening stuff. That’s followed by a journey through some caves in which one of the Thals commits suicide to save Ian. Finally there’s a big battle with lots of violence and people getting zapped by the Daleks.

The Thal costumes are a bit revealing but hardly too racy even for small children.

Fear rating – 3 out of 5 Dalek bumps. DalekDalekDalek

Skimpiness rating – 1 out of 5 Peri bumps.Peri Bump

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